We would like to thank everybody supporting and visiting this newsletter. The number of pages visited since the last issue increased by almost 500%. We are committed to bring you the best links we can find on the web about iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS development and you make this project possible.
Here is a tutorial on how to create tabs with SwiftUI using a TabView with a PageTabViewStyle and a ScrollView with an array of Buttons.
Like other frameworks, SwiftUI heavily relies on protocols as a central part of its definitions
In this tutorial, the author goes into depth at the usage of protocols like Hashable, Identifiable, and Equatable.
This is a tutorial explaining how to create an expandable list with SwiftUI using a ScrollView, a List a few other elements.
In this video, Brian Voong, explains how to create custom Array extensions, a must be if you want your code to be small and neat.
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