Tag: iOS development

We have released, last week, the first issue of this newsletter and we cannot be more excited with the feedback we have received from our readers. We would like to personally thank everybody. We will try to keep the ball rolling with quality content.

This week started with a lot of interesting news. The first one is Apple changing some guidelines used during App Reviews, in favor of developers, an unprecedented move.

Week News

To have an app approved for the App Store, an app has to be approved against some set of rules that many find to be Draconian, authoritarian, and not fair. This week, for the first time since the App Store went live, Apple reviewed some of these rules and improved them. In fact Apple is accepting suggestions for changes to the guidelines. According to Apple, for apps that are already on the App Store, bug fixes will no longer be delayed over guideline violations except for those related to legal issues. You’ll instead be able to address guideline violations in your next submission. If you have an app on the App Store, you must read this

You can now watch the Special Event Keynote, Platforms State of the Union, and over 200 sessions from this year’s Apple Worldwide Developers Conference with Japanese and Simplified Chinese subtitles. Available on the web, iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV.

iOS 13.7 lets you opt-in to the COVID-19 Exposure Notifications system without the need to download an app. System availability depends on support from your local public health authority.


All you need to know if you want to sponsorship this newsletter, in the following link.

Code Highlight

If you are developing an open source project and trying to obtain details about the license model you have chosen, you will love this website.

Here is a quick way to capture a demo video from iOS simulator:

  • Run the app in the simulator,
  • Open Terminal.app,
  • type the following command and press ENTER,

The following page has more details about this command and how to take screenshots from iOS simulator from terminal.

If you organize parts of your code in separate modules, you can reuse that code later in other situations. For example, a module that records video from the rear camera. Using modules lets you build apps faster a reuse code.

To do that, Swift contains an element called Packages. Packages declared under Swift version 5.3 or later can now store resources, as texts, images, sounds, videos, storyboards, etc., what makes them way more powerful.

The following link is a repository which contains thousands of Swift packages for your projects.

Add Inline Images with Text in iOS 14

In the last issue, we have described a class extension which could add SF Symbols inline with attributed text. This is something you can already do in iOS 13.

This time, we show how to do the same thing using regular text instead of attributed, something that will be available with the forthcoming iOS 14.

Result:SF Symbol + OK

Tools, baby

Paste JSON as Code is a nifty app for those who work with JSON files. This free app converts JSON files into Swift code instantly.