Katkay Dev Weekly Newsletter

The best articles, links and news related to iOS and Swift Development Completely FREE!


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Week News

We would like to thank everybody supporting and visiting this newsletter. The number of pages visited since the last issue increased by almost 500%. We are committed to bring you the best links we can find on the web about iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS development and you make this project possible.

Code Highlight

Here is a tutorial on how to create tabs with SwiftUI using a TabView with a PageTabViewStyle and a ScrollView with an array of Buttons.

Like other frameworks, SwiftUI heavily relies on protocols as a central part of its definitions

In this tutorial, the author goes into depth at the usage of protocols like Hashable, Identifiable, and Equatable.

This is a tutorial explaining how to create an expandable list with SwiftUI using a ScrollView, a List a few other elements.

In this video, Brian Voong, explains how to create custom Array extensions, a must be if you want your code to be small and neat.


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Katkay Dev Weekly Newsletter

The best articles, links and news related to iOS and Swift Development Completely FREE!


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