Offers an understanding of the theoretical principles in electronic engineering, in clear and understandable termsIntroductory Electrical Engineering With Math Explained in Accessible Language offers a text that explores the basic concepts and principles of electrical engineering. The author—a noted expert on the topic—explains the underlying mathematics involved in electrical engineering through the use of examples that help with an understanding of the theory. The text contains clear explanations of the mathematical theory that is needed to understand every topic presented, which will aid students in engineering courses who may lack the necessary basic math knowledge.Designed to breakdown complex math concepts into understandable terms, the book incorporates several math tricks and knowledge such as matrices determinant and multiplication. The author also explains how certain mathematical formulas are derived. In addition, the text includes tables of integrals and other tables to help, for example, find resistors’ and capacitors’ values. The author provides the accessible language, examples, and images that make the topic accessible and understandable. This important book:• Contains discussion of concepts that go from the basic to the complex, always using simplified language• Provides examples, diagrams, and illustrations that work to enhance explanations• Explains the mathematical knowledge that is crucial to understanding electrical concepts• Contains both solved exercises in-line with the explanationsWritten for students, electronic hobbyists and technicians, Introductory Electrical Engineering With Math Explained in Accessible Language is a much-needed text that is filled with the basics concepts of electrical engineering with the approachable math that aids in an understanding of the topic.
About the Author xixPreface xxiAcknowledgement xxiiiIntroduction xxvConventions: Used by this Book xxvii1 Scientific Method: General Concepts 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Powers of 10 11.3 Roots 21.4 Scientific Notation as a Tool 22 Infinitesimal Calculus: A Brief Introduction 92.1 Introduction 92.2 The Concept Behind Calculus 93 Atom: Quarks, Protons, and Electrons 193.1 Introduction 193.2 Atoms and Quarks 193.3 Electrons 203.4 Strong Force and Weak Force 213.5 Conductors and Electricity 223.6 The Shells 233.7 Electric Potential 243.8 Current 253.9 Electric Resistance 254 Voltage and Current: Direct and Alternating Current and Voltage 274.1 Introduction 274.2 Terminology 274.3 Batteries 274.4 Danger Will Robison, Danger! 304.5 Direct Current 314.6 Relative Voltages 314.6.1 Mountains 324.7 Ground 334.8 Alternating Current 34Exercises 38Solutions 395 Resistors: The Most Fundamental Component 415.1 Introduction 415.2 Resistor 415.3 Electric Resistance 415.4 Symbols 415.5 Types of Resistor 425.6 Power 425.7 Color Code 425.8 Potentiometer 445.9 Trimpots 445.10 Practical Usage 455.11 Electric Characteristics 455.12 Resistors in Series 455.13 Resistors in Parallel 465.14 DC and AC Analysis 465.15 Input and Output Synchronism 47Exercises 48Solutions 486 Ohm’s Laws: Circuit Analysis 516.1 Introduction 516.2 Basic Rules of Electricity 516.3 First Ohm’s Law 526.4 Second Ohm’s Law 536.5 Examples 53Exercises 58Solutions 597 Delta–Wye Conversions: Circuit Analysis 637.1 Introduction 637.2 Delta Circuit 637.3 Delta–Wye Conversion 637.4 Wye–Delta Conversion 657.5 Examples 65Exercises 69Solutions 698 Capacitors: And Electric Charges 738.1 Introduction 738.2 History 738.3 How It Works 738.4 Electric Characteristics 778.5 Electric Field 788.6 Capacitance 788.7 Stored Energy 798.8 Voltage and Current 818.9 Examples 848.10 AC Analysis 878.11 Capacitive Reactance 888.12 Phase 888.13 Electrolytic Capacitor 918.14 Variable Capacitors 938.15 Capacitors in Series 938.16 Capacitors in Parallel 948.17 Capacitor Color Code 958.18 Capacitor Markings 96Exercises 98Solutions 989 Electromagnetism: And the World Revolution 1039.1 Introduction 1039.2 The Theory 1039.3 Hans Christian Ørsted 1039.4 The Right-Hand Rule 1059.5 Faraday First Experiment 1059.6 Faraday Second Experiment 1069.7 Conclusion 10710 Inductors: Temperamental Devices 10910.1 Introduction 10910.2 The Inductor 10910.3 Coils and Magnets 11010.4 Inductance 11110.5 Variable Inductor 11110.6 Series Inductance 11210.7 Parallel Inductance 11210.8 DC Analysis 11310.9 Electromotive Force 11610.10 Current Across an Inductor 11610.11 AC Analysis 11610.12 Out of Sync 119Exercises 120Solutions 12011 Transformers: Not the Movie 12311.1 Introduction 12311.2 Connected by the Magnetic Field 12411.3 Faraday’s Law 12411.4 Primary and Secondary 12411.5 Real-Life Transformer 12511.6 Multiple Secondaries 12511.7 Center Tap 12611.8 Law of Conservation of Energy 12711.9 Leakage Flux 12711.10 Internal Resistance 12811.11 Direct Current 12812 Generators: And Motors 12912.1 Introduction 12912.2 Electric Generators 12912.3 Electric Motor 13113 Semiconductors: And Their Junctions 13313.1 Introduction 13313.2 It All Started with a Light Bulb 13313.3 Semiconductors 13514 Diodes and Transistors: Active Components 14314.1 Introduction 14314.2 Diodes 14314.3 NPN Junction 14314.4 Biasing 14414.5 The Transistor, Finally! 14415 Voltage and Current Sources: Circuit Analysis 14715.1 Introduction 14715.2 Independent DC Voltage Sources 14715.3 Independent AC Voltage Sources 14715.4 Dependent Voltage Sources 14815.5 Independent Current Sources 14915.6 Dependent Current Sources 14916 Source Transformations: Circuit Analysis 15116.1 Introduction 15116.2 The Technique 15116.3 Example 153Exercises 160Solutions 16117 Impedance and Phase: Circuit Analysis 16517.1 Introduction 16517.2 This is Just a Phase 16517.3 Impedance 16617.4 Capacitive Impedance 16717.5 Inductive Impedance 16917.6 Examples 16917.7 The Importance of Impedances in Real Life 173Exercises 177Solutions 17718 Power: And Work 18118.1 Introduction 18118.2 Electric Power and Work 18118.3 Powers in Parallel 18218.4 Powers in Series 18318.5 “Alternating” Power 18418.6 Real, Apparent, and Reactive Power 188Exercises 191Solutions 19219 Kirchhoff’s Laws: Circuit Analysis 19719.1 Introduction 19719.2 Kirchhoff’s Laws 19719.3 Examples 199Exercises 210Solutions 21120 Nodal Analysis: Circuit Analysis 21520.1 Introduction 21520.2 Examples 215Exercises 226Solutions 22721 Thévenin’s Theorem: Circuit Analysis 23521.1 Introduction 23521.2 The Theorem 235Exercises 250Solutions 25122 Norton’ Theorem: Circuit Analysis 25722.1 Introduction 25722.2 Norton’s Theorem 257Exercises 263Solutions 26423 Superposition Theorem: Circuit Analysis 26923.1 Introduction 26923.2 The Theorem 26923.3 Methodology 26923.4 Example 270Exercises 281Solutions 28224 Millman’s Theorem: Circuit Analysis 28724.1 Introduction 28724.2 Millman’s Theorem 28724.3 Examples 291Exercises 295Solutions 29525 RC Circuits: Voltage and Current Analysis in Circuits Containing Resistors and Capacitors in Series 29725.1 Introduction 29725.2 Charging a Capacitor 29725.3 RC Time Constant 30825.4 Examples 315Exercises 328Solutions 33026 RL Circuits: Voltage and Current Analysis in Circuits Containing Resistors and Inductors in Series 34126.1 Introduction 34126.2 Energizing 34126.3 De-energizing 34926.4 Examples 354Exercises 362Solutions 36527 RLC Circuits: Part 1: Voltage Analysis in Circuits Containing Resistors, Capacitors, and Inductors in Series 37727.1 Introduction 37727.2 A Basic RLC Series Circuit 37727.3 Examples 408Exercises 418Solutions 41928 RLC Circuits: Part 2: Current Analysis in Circuits Containing Resistors, Capacitors, and Inductors in Series 42728.1 Introduction 42728.2 The Circuit 42728.3 Current Equations 43028.4 Examples 432Exercises 442Solutions 44329 Transistor Amplifiers: The Magic Component 45129.1 Introduction 45129.2 Transistor as Amplifiers 45129.3 The Water Storage Tank 45129.4 Current Gain 45229.5 Power Supply Rails 45229.6 Amplifying 45229.7 Quiescent Operating Point 45329.8 Amplifier Classes 454Exercises 477Solutions 47930 Operational Amplifiers: A Brief Introduction 48530.1 Introduction 48530.2 Operational Amplifiers 48530.3 How Op-Amp Works 48630.4 Op-Amp Characteristics 48830.5 Typical Configurations 48831 Instrumentation and Bench: A Brief Introduction 50931.1 Introduction 50931.2 Multimeter 50931.3 Voltmeter 51031.4 Ammeter 51131.5 Ohmmeter 51231.6 Oscilloscope 51331.7 Breadboards 51331.8 Wire Diameter 51531.9 Power Supply 51631.10 Soldering Station 51731.11 Soldering Fume Extractors 51731.12 Lead-Free Solder 51731.13 A Few Images of Real Products 518Appendix A: International System of Units (SI) 521Appendix B: Color Code: Resistors 523Appendix C: Root Mean Square (RMS) Value 525Appendix D: Complex Numbers 529Appendix E: Table of Integrals 537Appendix F: AWG Versus Metric System: Wire Cross Sections 539Appendix G: Resistors: Commercial Values 541Appendix H: Capacitors: Commercial Values 543Appendix I: Inductors: Commercial Values 549Appendix J: Simulation Tools 557Appendix K: Glossary 559Index 563
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